Dysfunctional Dems Continue To Battle Over Lack Of Message…
This article in the AP states that if you ask Democratic leaders “to identify their party's election-year message,” you “get everything but consensus…Democrats are divided over whether they already have – or even need – a national theme that tells voters exactly where the party stands.” A dozen Democrats “rattled off lists of what they believe to be their party's message in 2006. Each had a different take.”
An editorial in The Economist says all this adds up to a heavy lift for Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections because “the Democrats ooze dysfunctionality: Divided, beholden to interest-groups and without a coherent policy on anything that matters to America and the world…America deserves better.”
An editorial in The Economist says all this adds up to a heavy lift for Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections because “the Democrats ooze dysfunctionality: Divided, beholden to interest-groups and without a coherent policy on anything that matters to America and the world…America deserves better.”
What about the Ten Traitors in the Arkansas House of Representatives who broke ranks and voted with the Democrats to over ride our Governor's veto? Did they not get the message? Minority Leader Matayo failed once again to deliver a united response for the party.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/21/2006 03:11:00 PM
It is just as the old saying goes "Every sheep hangs by his own legs."
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/22/2006 07:50:00 AM