Good Point...
Scroll down and read the comment from "Under the Dome". Mr. Beebe if you were such a strong opponent to this bill it seems that you would have made sure that you were correctly listed as voting 'no' the first time instead of having to write a letter explaining your vote.
From The ARKTIMES Blog:
The Asa! forces have been making much of a 1999 Senate vote in which Mike Beebe was recorded as a vote for the blood-sucking legislation that enabled the usurious check-cashing industry in Arkansas. Beebe had been an opponent of the bill in committee.
Here, in the Arkansas Leader, is the fullest explanation we've seen on how this may have come to pass and how, at the time, Beebe served notice that he'd been recorded incorrectly. Legislative veteran Ernie Dumas, quoted in the column by Garrick Feldman, almost certainly guesses correctly that the 35-0 roll call on this bill occurred during one of those times in the session where the Senate rolls out dozens of bills on unanimous roll calls to clean up business whose outcome has already been decided.
Nice try. Ask Mr. Dumas who determines what bills are put on the unanimous agenda. That's right folks, the President of the Senate. Let's see, refresh my memory, who was the President of the Senate in 1999? That's right, gang-Mike Beebe. So Beebe's best friend, Don Tilton is lobbying for the check cashers. Mike Beebe is so opposed to this bill that he not only puts it on the unanimous bill agenda but he fails to vote against it. Beebe's really quite the stand-up guy.
What has been missed in all of these stories on Beebe's 1999 votes is his recent record. While suing one small payday lender in Jonesboro for using a scam involving a "rebate" for internet service, he has ignored the hundreds of others who are violating the Constitutional usury limit every day. He has supposedly said that if elected he would support repeal of the Check Cashers Act, but as Attorney General he could shut them all down today since they are in violation of the law.
Meanwhile, they suck millions out of Arkansans pockets while paying Don Tilton six figures and donating to the Democratic Party.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/17/2006 01:17:00 PM
Don Tilton is one of those lobbyists who stays out of the public eye while taking orders from Beebe and channeling money to Beebe. He's the lobbyist for the loan sharks in Arkansas. Which is why Beebe never went after any of the pay day lenders until it was campaign time.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/17/2006 02:21:00 PM