Note to Senate Democrats: Support Our Troops!
“I saw a bumper ticker the other day that said, ‘Support our troops, not poor leadership.’ I agree.” (Sen. Tom Harkin press release, 9/7/06)
To recap here are a few items that the Department of Defense Authorization Act would do:
A 3.5 percent pay increase across-the-board for all service members and would guarantee a pay increase for members of the American Forces
$50 million for the Defense Health Program sustainment account for health care facilities, particularly at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
An increase in the authorized payment from $12,000 to $100,000 for Defense Department military personnel who die while working in a combat zone.
An additional $4.1 billion for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles.
To recap here is what Democrat Senators have said about the troops:
“We've all made a promise to our servicemen and women that while their away protecting us; we would be in Washington protecting them and their families. We should not let partisan judicial politics stop us from keeping that promise.” (Sen. Mark Pryor, Senate Democrat Conference Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
“Our first priority should be to ensure that the men and women who honorably serve our country are given the resources they need to succeed both on and off the battlefield.” (Sen. Dick Durbin’s Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
"As part of the Defense Authorization bill this week, I will introduce an amendment making it clear Congress will provide every dollar and every authority needed to build vehicles resistant to roadside bombs and shaped charges. As long as we have a single soldier in Iraq, we must do whatever it takes to provide them the best protection possible. This must be a national priority. (Sen. Joe Biden press release, 7/16/07)
“…it is extremely important to make sure our troops continue to know we support them. The president was right to commend the troops for their tremendous efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but honoring them with words is not enough. It’s critical that our troops have the proper equipment they need to do their jobs.” (Sen. Jay Rockefeller press release, 1/20/04)
“As long as our nation's policies put them there, our troops should hear an unequivocal message from Congress that we support them.” (Sen. Carl Levin Washington Post Op-Ed, 6/21/07)
“We are here to say that, yes, we're going to fight hard for all of what government can do -- the needs that they [soldiers] have, the financial needs, whether it's health care needs, mental health care needs, equipment and everything.” (Sen. Mary Landrieu press conference, 7/11/07)
The first definition of patriotism is keeping faith with those who’ve worn the uniform of the United States of America. Our obligation is to keep faith with the men and women of the American military and their families-whether they are on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserves, or veterans. (Sen. John Kerry’s Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
We must ensure that our troops at home and abroad have the tools they need to protect freedom and democracy across the globe. I'm committed to working together to ensure our military and our men and women in uniform have what they need to do their jobs.” (Sen. Max Baucus’ Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
Yet when it came time to vote on legislation to increase troop pay, to increase money for military healthcare, to increase benefits for military widows and families, to increase the safety of our troops; Democrats staged a self-described stunt and when that failed to even impress their own liberal base, they throw a temper-tantrum and pulled the bill from the floor.
If Democrats really supported the troops they would call on their leadership to quit pandering to the left and pass legislation that actually does support our troops.
Support out troops, not poor leadership!!!
To recap here are a few items that the Department of Defense Authorization Act would do:
A 3.5 percent pay increase across-the-board for all service members and would guarantee a pay increase for members of the American Forces
$50 million for the Defense Health Program sustainment account for health care facilities, particularly at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
An increase in the authorized payment from $12,000 to $100,000 for Defense Department military personnel who die while working in a combat zone.
An additional $4.1 billion for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles.
To recap here is what Democrat Senators have said about the troops:
“We've all made a promise to our servicemen and women that while their away protecting us; we would be in Washington protecting them and their families. We should not let partisan judicial politics stop us from keeping that promise.” (Sen. Mark Pryor, Senate Democrat Conference Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
“Our first priority should be to ensure that the men and women who honorably serve our country are given the resources they need to succeed both on and off the battlefield.” (Sen. Dick Durbin’s Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
"As part of the Defense Authorization bill this week, I will introduce an amendment making it clear Congress will provide every dollar and every authority needed to build vehicles resistant to roadside bombs and shaped charges. As long as we have a single soldier in Iraq, we must do whatever it takes to provide them the best protection possible. This must be a national priority. (Sen. Joe Biden press release, 7/16/07)
“…it is extremely important to make sure our troops continue to know we support them. The president was right to commend the troops for their tremendous efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but honoring them with words is not enough. It’s critical that our troops have the proper equipment they need to do their jobs.” (Sen. Jay Rockefeller press release, 1/20/04)
“As long as our nation's policies put them there, our troops should hear an unequivocal message from Congress that we support them.” (Sen. Carl Levin Washington Post Op-Ed, 6/21/07)
“We are here to say that, yes, we're going to fight hard for all of what government can do -- the needs that they [soldiers] have, the financial needs, whether it's health care needs, mental health care needs, equipment and everything.” (Sen. Mary Landrieu press conference, 7/11/07)
The first definition of patriotism is keeping faith with those who’ve worn the uniform of the United States of America. Our obligation is to keep faith with the men and women of the American military and their families-whether they are on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserves, or veterans. (Sen. John Kerry’s Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
We must ensure that our troops at home and abroad have the tools they need to protect freedom and democracy across the globe. I'm committed to working together to ensure our military and our men and women in uniform have what they need to do their jobs.” (Sen. Max Baucus’ Web site, accessed 7/19/07)
Yet when it came time to vote on legislation to increase troop pay, to increase money for military healthcare, to increase benefits for military widows and families, to increase the safety of our troops; Democrats staged a self-described stunt and when that failed to even impress their own liberal base, they throw a temper-tantrum and pulled the bill from the floor.
If Democrats really supported the troops they would call on their leadership to quit pandering to the left and pass legislation that actually does support our troops.
Support out troops, not poor leadership!!!
This post talks about supporting our troops, like giving them better equipment to die in. Bring them home!!! That would be TRUE support of the troops, support of their very lives, support of their families. Support of that lost idea that the U.S. is a "peaceful" nation. We now know the war in Iraq was a lie. It wasn't for democracy. It wasn't for "terror" (bugga bugga!). It had nothing to do with patriotism. It was and is all about oil and the Israeli Lobby. We have become a nation that believes if we can't have what we really, really want, we'll just take it! We'll send our young people to die for it (and you thought Republicans didn't believe in entitlements). And anybody who disagrees with Dick Cheny and George Bush on the best way to STEAL IT, well, they're just not patriotic. Face it, we have become, through our president, the most shallow, craven, despicable nation on earth. And yet, and yet, there are those of us who have the balls to ask, "Why don't they like us?"
Posted by
Anonymous |
10/03/2007 06:33:00 PM
Regardless of whether the war was just or not,I hope that the political aspirants have thought of a way to ensure that they look out for the mental health of the troops because of the trauma they have, are or will go through.
Diana King
Addiction Recovery Arizona
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/30/2008 11:52:00 PM