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Thursday, May 10, 2007 

Pryor Sells Out To Unions

In an election year, Mark Pryor is taking a page from Jerry McGuire and essentially telling the unions to "Show Me The Money!"

The Arkansas News Bureau reports today that Mark Pryor is turning his back on the business community to support a bill that will make it easier for big unions to infiltrate and intimidate businesses across the board.

In a time of a flourishing economy and increasing job creation, it doesn't make sense that Pryor would support union bosses like Teamster's Jimmy Hoffa over Arkansas businesses and limit their growth.

Therefore, it was no surprise then to learn that the largest contributor to Pryor's election campaign in 2002 was LABOR INTERESTS with over $344,960 worth of contributions.

It's a sad day in Arkansas when a Senator has to abandon his constituents to go back to the money well. We will not be fooled by Pryor and the business community will remember this in November...

It's obvious you didn't get the memo, but Jimmy Hoffa has been dead for over 30 years. On a side note, who runs this blog. I don't care much (from either the right or left) for blogs that attack people then hide behind anonymity. I may not agree with "The Citizens Journal" or "Arkansas Watch", but I have a lot more respect for them because they put their names on their blog.

Hey Carlaklib, what union do you work for? James Hoffa is the President of the Teamsters Union:


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