Chris Battle Responds To Arkansas Democrats' Negative Attacks On Asa Hutchinson
Little Rock – Chris Battle, manager for Asa Hutchinson's 2006 campaign for Arkansas Governor, issued the following statement today in response to negative attacks on Hutchinson's record of achievement at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
"It's disappointing that Attorney General Mike Beebe and his political operatives in the Democratic Party are distorting Asa's record of achievement already, but we expect plenty more to come.
"Anybody who takes on the kind of tough missions that Asa Hutchinson has taken on – whether at DEA or Homeland Security – opens himself to attacks by political opportunists. Asa's mission at DHS was to ensure that no new terrorist attacks occurred on American soil. None did. Is there more that needs to be done? You bet. Securing our families and communities from another terrorist attack must be an ongoing process. However, this country is safer today than it was before 9/11.
"Compare Asa's record of achievement to the attorney general's. What does Mike Beebe stand for? Nobody really knows.
"This is the key question: What kind of Governor do Arkansans want – one who is willing to take on the tough challenges leadership requires, or one who shrinks from tough choices because of the risks they pose to his political career?"
"It's disappointing that Attorney General Mike Beebe and his political operatives in the Democratic Party are distorting Asa's record of achievement already, but we expect plenty more to come.
"Anybody who takes on the kind of tough missions that Asa Hutchinson has taken on – whether at DEA or Homeland Security – opens himself to attacks by political opportunists. Asa's mission at DHS was to ensure that no new terrorist attacks occurred on American soil. None did. Is there more that needs to be done? You bet. Securing our families and communities from another terrorist attack must be an ongoing process. However, this country is safer today than it was before 9/11.
"Compare Asa's record of achievement to the attorney general's. What does Mike Beebe stand for? Nobody really knows.
"This is the key question: What kind of Governor do Arkansans want – one who is willing to take on the tough challenges leadership requires, or one who shrinks from tough choices because of the risks they pose to his political career?"
If anyone read the Doug Thompson piece I want to know his source for his statement about Asa getting passed over for Secretary of DHS
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Anonymous |
12/07/2005 06:18:00 AM